Entrance Scholarships

Entrance Scholarships

In 2025/26, HSUHK offers the following entrance scholarships to qualified1, 2, 3 new local4 Year 1 students:

  • Newly admitted Year 1 student; AND
  • Permanent resident of the HKSAR; AND
  • Achieved excellent academic results in HKDSE Examination, meeting the minimum admission requirements; AND
  • Intend to pursue a career in the banking and finance industry after graduation; AND
  • Good conduct and personality, honesty and integrity, with a positive attitude towards life, and well prepared to take up social responsibilities and to serve the community; AND
  • Preference will be given to those who have had good service and leadership records in secondary school.
  • Full tuition fee for four consecutive academic years; AND
  • Residential College accommodation fee (if applicable).
  • Newly admitted Year 1 student; AND
  • Attained a total score of 20 or above in the best five subjects in HKDSE Examination, or equivalent, meeting the minimum admission requirement (including a minimum of Level 4 in Chinese and English Languages).
  • Year 1 and 2: HK$15,000 each
  • Year 3 and 4: HK$20,000 each
  • Newly admitted Year 1 student; AND
  • Attained a total score of 18-19 in the best five subjects in HKDSE Examination, or equivalent, meeting the minimum admission requirement (including a minimum of Level 4 in Chinese and English Languages).
  • Year 1 and 2: HK$5,000 each
  • Year 3 and 4: HK$10,000 each


  • Top FIVE Year 1 entry undergraduate local Non-Chinese Speaking students attended HKDSE Examination, with the highest scores in the best three subjects, including a minimum of Level 4 for English Language, Level 2 for Mathematics (Compulsory part)#and one elective subject, “Attained” Level in Citizenship and Social Development; AND
  • Attained the following grades or above in either one of the respective examinations:

– HKDSE Applied Learning Chinese: Attained with distinction
– GCSE Chinese: A* / Grade 8
– IGCSE Chinese: A* / Grade 8
– GCE A-level Chinese: A

#A minimum of Level 3 in Mathematics (Compulsory Part) for Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Actuarial Studies and Insurance admittees




  • F.6 graduate of Buddhist Sin Tak College; 
  • Academic excellence;
  • Outstanding performance in volunteer/ community services;
  • Leadership quality, good conduct and other talents may be taken into consideration; AND
  • Financial need of the student shall be considered

Amount7, 8

Half-tuition amount for Year 1-4


  • For F.6 graduate of Buddhist Fat Ho Memorial College, Yan Oi Tong Chan Wong Suk Fong Memorial Secondary School OR Aberdeen Technical School;
  • Admitted to the HSUHK in academic year 2025/26; AND
  • Recommended by respective school principals.


HK$50,000 for Year 1-4


  • Full-time local Year 1 entrants of Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Actuarial Studies and Insurance (BSc-AIN);
  • Attained a minimum total score of 18 in the best five subjects in the HKDSE Examination, meeting the minimum admission requirements (including a minimum of Level 3 in Chinese Language, English Language and Mathematics (Compulsory Part), Level 2 in one elective subject (except Mathematics Extended Part Module 1 / Module 2) and “Attained” in Citizenship and Social Development); AND
  • Attend a selection interview if necessary.


Year 1 and 2: HK$20,000 each

  1. Only students admitted with current year HKDSE result are eligible. The HKDSE results of scholarships recipients should meet the minimum entrance requirements.
  2. Academic result of combined HKDSE certificates will not be considered.
  3. Students will not be awarded any entrance scholarship if they have transferred or been readmitted to the same or another programme for whatever reasons.
  4. Please click here for the definitions of local and non-local students.
  5. The scholarship is distributed on a competitive and merit basis.
  6. Renewal criteria: Year GPA of 3.3 or above is required.
  7. After the deduction of subsidy under Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions / Sectors (SSSDP).
  8. Renewal criteria: Year GPA of 3.0 or above is required.