Entrance Scholarships
In 2025/26, HSUHK offers the following entrance scholarships to qualified1, 2, 3 new local4 Year 1 students:
- Newly admitted Year 1 student; AND
- Permanent resident of the HKSAR; AND
- Achieved excellent academic results in HKDSE Examination, meeting the minimum admission requirements; AND
- Intend to pursue a career in the banking and finance industry after graduation; AND
- Good conduct and personality, honesty and integrity, with a positive attitude towards life, and well prepared to take up social responsibilities and to serve the community; AND
- Preference will be given to those who have had good service and leadership records in secondary school.
- Full tuition fee for four consecutive academic years; AND
- Residential College accommodation fee (if applicable).
- Newly admitted Year 1 student; AND
- Attained a total score of 20 or above in the best five subjects in HKDSE Examination, or equivalent, meeting the minimum admission requirement (including a minimum of Level 4 in Chinese and English Languages).
- Year 1 and 2: HK$15,000 each
- Year 3 and 4: HK$20,000 each
- Newly admitted Year 1 student; AND
- Attained a total score of 18-19 in the best five subjects in HKDSE Examination, or equivalent, meeting the minimum admission requirement (including a minimum of Level 4 in Chinese and English Languages).
- Year 1 and 2: HK$5,000 each
- Year 3 and 4: HK$10,000 each
- Top FIVE Year 1 entry undergraduate local Non-Chinese Speaking students attended HKDSE Examination, with the highest scores in the best three subjects, including a minimum of Level 4 for English Language, Level 2 for Mathematics (Compulsory part)#and one elective subject, “Attained” Level in Citizenship and Social Development; AND
- Attained the following grades or above in either one of the respective examinations:
– HKDSE Applied Learning Chinese: Attained with distinction
– GCSE Chinese: A* / Grade 8
– IGCSE Chinese: A* / Grade 8
– GCE A-level Chinese: A
#A minimum of Level 3 in Mathematics (Compulsory Part) for Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Actuarial Studies and Insurance admittees
- F.6 graduate of Buddhist Sin Tak College;
- Academic excellence;
- Outstanding performance in volunteer/ community services;
- Leadership quality, good conduct and other talents may be taken into consideration; AND
- Financial need of the student shall be considered
Amount7, 8
Half-tuition amount for Year 1-4
- For F.6 graduate of Buddhist Fat Ho Memorial College, Yan Oi Tong Chan Wong Suk Fong Memorial Secondary School OR Aberdeen Technical School;
- Admitted to the HSUHK in academic year 2025/26; AND
- Recommended by respective school principals.
HK$50,000 for Year 1-4
- Full-time local Year 1 entrants of Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Actuarial Studies and Insurance (BSc-AIN);
- Attained a minimum total score of 18 in the best five subjects in the HKDSE Examination, meeting the minimum admission requirements (including a minimum of Level 3 in Chinese Language, English Language and Mathematics (Compulsory Part), Level 2 in one elective subject (except Mathematics Extended Part Module 1 / Module 2) and “Attained” in Citizenship and Social Development); AND
- Attend a selection interview if necessary.
Year 1 and 2: HK$20,000 each
- Only students admitted with current year HKDSE result are eligible. The HKDSE results of scholarships recipients should meet the minimum entrance requirements.
- Academic result of combined HKDSE certificates will not be considered.
- Students will not be awarded any entrance scholarship if they have transferred or been readmitted to the same or another programme for whatever reasons.
- Please click here for the definitions of local and non-local students.
- The scholarship is distributed on a competitive and merit basis.
- Renewal criteria: Year GPA of 3.3 or above is required.
- After the deduction of subsidy under Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions / Sectors (SSSDP).
- Renewal criteria: Year GPA of 3.0 or above is required.