

  1. HSUHK will invite selected applicants via email and HSUHK Undergraduate Application System to conduct written test/interview.
  2. Applicants who satisfy the minimum entrance requirements are not guaranteed to be selected for assessment / to be admitted since the number of applicants, applicants’ academic performance, and approved admission quotas, etc. vary each year.

23Written testInterview
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in
Corporate Governance and Compliance (BBA-CGC)

(On a case-by-case basis)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in
Economics (BBA-ECON)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in
Finance and Banking (BBA-FB)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in
Financial Analysis and FinTech (BBA-FAFT)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in
General Business (BBA-GB)

(On a case-by-case basis)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in
Global Business Management (BBA-GBM)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in
Human Resource Management (BBA-HRM)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in
Management (BBA-MGT)

Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in
Marketing (BBA-MKT)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in
Professional Accountancy (BBA-PA)

(On a case-by-case basis)

(On a case-by-case basis)

23Written testInterview
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in
Arts and Culture Communication (BA-ACC)

(On a case-by-case basis)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in
Convergent Media and Communication Technology (BA-CMCT)
Bachelor of
Journalism and Communication (Honours) (BJC)
Year-3 applicants are required to select one of the concentrations below:
– Business Journalism
– Corporate Communication

(On a case-by-case basis)

(On a case-by-case basis)

23Written testInterview
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in
Supply Chain Management (BBA-SCM)
Year-3 applicants are required to select one of the streams below:
– Air Transport
– Business Logistics

(On a case-by-case basis)

(On a case-by-case basis)
Bachelor of
Management Science and Information Management (Honours) (BMSIM)

(On a case-by-case basis)

(On a case-by-case basis)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in
Actuarial Studies and Insurance (BSc-AIN)

(On a case-by-case basis)

(On a case-by-case basis)
Bachelor of Science in
Applied Computing (BSc-AC)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in
Data Science and Business Intelligence (BSc-DSBI)

(On a case-by-case basis)

23Written testInterview
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in
Art and Design (BA-AD)

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in
Chinese (BA-CHI)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in
Cultural and Creative Industries (BA-CCI)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in
English (BA-ENG)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in
Psychology (BA-PSY)
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in
Asian Studies (BSocSc-AS)
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in
Philosophy, Politics and Economics (BSocSc-PPE)

23Written testInterview
Bachelor of
Translation with Business (Honours) (BTB)

Corporate Governance and Compliance (BBA-CGC)

Year 2: Interview
Year 3: Written test (on a case-by-case basis) / Interview
Economics (BBA-ECON)

Year 3: Interview
Finance and Banking (BBA-FB)

Year 3: Interview
Financial Analysis and FinTech (BBA-FAFT)

Year 3: Interview
General Business (BBA-GB)

Year 3: Interview (On a case-by-case basis)
Global Business Management (BBA-GBM)

Year 2: Written test / Interview
Human Resource Management (BBA-HRM)

Year 2: Written test / Interview
Year 3: Written test / Interview
Management (BBA-MGT)

Year 2: Written test / Interview
Year 3: Written test / Interview
Marketing (BBA-MKT)

Year 2: Interview
Year 3: Interview
Professional Accountancy (BBA-PA)

Year 2: Interview (On a case-by-case basis)
Year 3: Interview (On a case-by-case basis)

Arts and Culture Communication (BA-ACC)

Year 2: Interview (On a case-by-case basis)
Convergent Media and Communication Technology (BA-CMCT)

Year 2: Interview
Year 3: Interview
Journalism and Communication (BJC)
Year-3 applicants are required to select one of the concentrations below:
– Business Journalism
– Corporate Communication

Year 2: Written test (On a case-by-case basis) / Interview
Year 3: Written test (On a case-by-case basis) / Interview

Supply Chain Management (BBA-SCM)
Year-3 applicants are required to select one of the streams below:
– Air Transport
– Business Logistics

Year 3: Written test (On a case-by-case basis) / Interview (On a case-by-case basis)
Management Science and Information Management (BMSIM)

Year 3: Written test (On a case-by-case basis)
Actuarial Studies and Insurance (BSc-AIN)

Year 3: Written test (On a case-by-case basis) / Interview (On a case-by-case basis)
Applied Computing (BSc-AC)

Year 3: Interview
Data Science and Business Intelligence (BSc-DSBI)

Year 3: Interview (On a case-by-case basis)

Art and Design (BA-AD)

Year 2: Interview
Year 3: Interview
Chinese (BA-CHI)

Year 2: Written test / Interview
Year 3: Written test / Interview
Cultural and Creative Industries (BA-CCI)

Year 2: Interview
Year 3: Interview
English (BA-ENG)

Year 2: Written test / Interview
Year 3: Written test / Interview
Asian Studies (BSS-AS)

Year 2: Interview
Year 3: Interview
Philosophy, Politics and Economics (BSS-PPE)

Year 2: Interview

Translation with Business (BTB)

Year 3: Written test / Interview